If you need to return, exchange or refund your order, please read the following instructions carefully:
It happens that you make a mistake. Are we all human right? Please insert a note that states which size you would like and we will send you the correct one.
First, We sorry, Like we said; We are all human right? Although we double check everything, it can happen that we send you the wrong item. No worries, please return it to our warehouse and insert a note stating your order number and which item you actually ordered. We will send you the correct item ASAP.
Sure thing, no problem. All items can be exchanged for one of equal or lesser value for free. Simply send it back to our warehouse and include a note stating which item you want + your order number and we will take care of you.
We take our clients very seriously and we would love to learn from your experience. We will take refunds when:
Also, we would love it if you could tell us the reason why you are returning your item for a refund. We strive to get you the best quality possible, so we'd love to learn from your experience to even up our quality some more.